Disabled Woman’s Live in Carer Forced out due to Mould

Exmouth resident Sarah Lambert, 45, spoke of how she felt as if she had “won the lottery” back in October 2022 when she moved into her supported housing from East Devon District Council (EDDC).

Image Credit – ToastMonster

Ms Lambert was aware that the property had some issues, but couldn’t possibly foresee that it would take nearly 2 years for the issues to be resolved.

“It rains inside the bedroom through the plaster above the windows,” Sarah told the BBC. The damp and mould within the property continued to become worse, and eventually the disrepair forced her live-in carer to move out as she was unable to user her bedroom.

EDDC has advised that it “works hard to ensure all repair issues are acted upon in a timely manner”, however a number of other issues including asbestos flooring and ill-fitting windows and doors have yet to be resolved, despite being reported numerous times.

A representative from Citizens Advice East Devon described it as “an absolutely appalling situation” and that they had been in touch with EDDC about the case.

“We talk a lot in the South West about the housing crisis, but there is also a housing repair crisis in the region,” he continued.

Sarah also remarked that almost all of the residents in the area have similar stories, where issues are being reported but that they are just “brushed off” and treated with “disdain and disrespect” by the council.

EDDC refused to comment on individual situations, but stated that it “works hard to ensure all repair issues are acted upon in a timely manner”.

If you are suffering from disrepair in your home and your landlord isn’t helping, FDM Solicitors could help you get compensation and get your home repaired. Contact us using the form below today to see if we can help you.

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