Council Housing Milestone Reached following 75 New Homes

Tandridge District Council has added more than 100 homes to its existing housing stock following the building of 75 new homes on unbuilt council-owned land. This has been combined with the refurbishment or existing homes, to bring them up to modern standards, and buybacks – a process where the council re-acquires properties for use as council homes.

Image Credit – Stephen Craven

Jeremy Pursehouse, Councillor and Chairman of the Housing Committee said that the local authority was expecting to provide an additional 200 homes over the next 5 years, and that members were “incredibly proud of the diverse range of affordable rented homes we have added to our housing portfolio”.

There are set to be a further 19 homes completed imminently, including 6 carbon net-zero homes, further showcasing the council’s commitment to provide new, high quality homes. By the end of this year, the council is hoping to have delivered over 157 homes, both new and refurbished to help provide better and more affordable housing for its community.

This news should come as welcome relief to residents and tenants of Tandridge properties. Tandridge was criticized along with 13 other social landlords in 2023 by Michael Gove due to findings of maladministration, as they had failed a tenant with mental health issues.

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